Offshore Welders, Pipefitters, E/I Technician and Tubing Fitters Offshore Welders, Pipefitters, E/I Technician and Tubing FittersApply Now×Solliciteer nu Vacature Functie SELECTEER een functie:Autocad tekenaar / werkvoorbereiderAutomonteurContructiebankwerkerCv monteurLasserFitterLasser/fitterElectromonteurOffshore E/I monteurOffshore E/I technicianOffshore lasserOffshore fitterOffshore I-fitterOpperman / stratenmakerSamensteller/lasserSchilderJachtschilderKitterIJzerwerkerLoodgieterTegelzetterStukadoorHeftruck chauffeurIndustriëel reinigerInstallatiemonteurIsoleerderKraanmachinistMontage medewerkerAnders... Voornaam / roepnaam Achternaam Adres Postcode Woonplaats Land Telefoon E-mail Geboortedatum Geslacht ManVrouw Certificaten VCA-BasisVCA-VOLBHVEHBOHeftruck cetrificaatLascertificatenLasdiploma'sSteigerpasNOGEPA 0.5 (offshore)FlenscertificaatTorque & TensionMedische keuring (offshore) Eventuele vragen/opmerkingen CV × For a client of ours we are looking for: Welders, Pipefitters, E/I Technician and Tubing Fitters for the offshore and onshore. Do not have offshore experience but you’re qualified for the job? Then respond! There are various possibilities. Education Function related: Welders – certificates for TIG (GTAW), MIG / MAG and/or electrode (SMAW) Pipefitters – torque and tensioning & flens certificates E/I Technician – NEN3140 & Atex certificates I-Fitter (Tubing Fitter) – twin ferrule certificat For every function: VCA certificate Off-shore medical O.5 HUET training (offshore training) Work experience Experience in the offshore or onshore position Other requirements Language Dutch or English Other information Your vacancy reference Offshore functions Desired application method CV by e-mail with cover letter or by telephone Contact person for this vacancy Name contactperson Yme Postma Department Sneek Phone number 06-82815189 E-mail address Yme Postma2025-02-04T12:13:00+00:00